Shinjitsu -Whitepaper

Shinjitsu -Whitepaper

Objectifying the Subjective in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Table of contents


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), a revered martial art, has traditionally thrived on the principles of skill, honor, and community. However, the journey of practitioners often finds itself veiled in subjectivity when it comes to the evaluation of skill levels and belt ranks. The existing paradigm, largely dependent on the subjective judgments of promoters, brings forth disparities in rank attributions and skill assessments. This is further complicated by cases of dishonest rank claims and the malpractice of "sandbagging" in competitions, which not only jeopardize the integrity of the art but also pose significant safety concerns.

Shinjitsu, inspired by the Japanese ethos of truth and reality, emerges as a web3 application aimed at instilling a system of objective evaluation and verification within the BJJ community. By leveraging blockchain technology's decentralized and immutable nature, Shinjitsu endeavors to establish a transparent, measurable framework to evaluate and verify practitioners' ranks, skills, and contributions. The proposed ecosystem incorporates a multi-faceted evaluation mechanism encompassing the credentials of promoting individuals, competition circuit performance, attestations from students, and peer evaluations from training and competition counterparts.

At its core, Shinjitsu aims to uphold the honor and tradition intrinsic to BJJ while adapting to the digital age's demands for transparency, objectivity, and verifiability. By setting a benchmark for skill and rank assessments, Shinjitsu seeks to mitigate the issues of dishonest rank claims and sandbagging, fostering a culture of honesty, respect, and fair competition. Moreover, the application opens avenues for practitioners to have a clearer understanding of their progress and a more profound connection with the global BJJ community.

The envisioned ecosystem does not only enrich the martial art's traditional ethos but also pioneers a path towards a harmonized, objective, and trustworthy BJJ community. Through the prism of Shinjitsu, the abstract fabric of martial prowess in BJJ is envisioned to be translated into a tangible, reliable, and enriched digital narrative.


Background Information on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the community.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is more than just a martial art; it is a discipline, a community, and a philosophy. The practice of BJJ is as much a journey of self-discovery as it is about self-defense. The art has been profoundly influenced and shaped by many individuals, but among them, Carlos Gracie and Helio Gracie stand as towering figures whose philosophies continue to guide the practice and community of BJJ.

Carlos Gracie, one of the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, once said, “The biggest lesson I learned from jiu-jitsu was how to truly know myself”【13†(BJJ World)】. This quote encapsulates the reflective and self-aware nature of BJJ, emphasizing the journey of personal growth that accompanies technical training.

Helio Gracie, a co-founder of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and a stalwart proponent of the art, articulated the essence of Jiu Jitsu with various profound statements. He likened Jiu Jitsu to a philosophy that aids in facing life's challenges, stating, “Jiu-Jitsu is like a philosophy. It helps me learn how to face life”【17†(A-Z Quotes)】. He further illustrated the principle of efficiency and protection in Jiu Jitsu saying, “Jiu-jitsu is personal efficiency to protect the weaker, which anyone can do. It is the force of leverage against brute force”【18†(Quotlr)】. Moreover, he emphasized the ethos of defense over aggression in BJJ by stating, “A real jiu-jitsu fighter does not go around beating people down. Our defense is made to neutralize aggression”【19†(Elite Sports)】.

The community of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a reflection of these philosophies, where practitioners come together to learn, grow, and uphold the principles of respect, humility, and continuous improvement. The communal aspect of BJJ is not just about training together; it's about growing together and supporting each other in the quest for self-improvement both on and off the mat.

However, the journey of a practitioner is often fraught with subjective assessments of skill levels and belt ranks, which can sometimes cloud the objective evaluation of a practitioner's skill and contributions to the community. This has led to several issues within the community, such as dishonest rank claims and "sandbagging" in competitions, which not only tarnish the integrity of the art but also pose significant safety risks.

In light of these challenges, the Shinjitsu application aims to provide a solution that embraces the foundational principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu while integrating the benefits of blockchain technology to foster a more transparent, objective, and connected BJJ community.

[13] BJJ World. (n.d.). 50 Famous Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ Quotes. Retrieved from

[17] A-Z Quotes. (n.d.). Top 15 Quotes by Helio Gracie. Retrieved from

[18] Quotlr. (n.d.). 15+ Helio Gracie Quotes That Are Jiu-jitsu Legend. Retrieved from

[19] Elite Sports. (n.d.). Helio Gracie - The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grand Master. Retrieved from

[20] Inspiring Quotes. (n.d.). Top 14 HELIO GRACIE quotes and sayings. Retrieved from

[21] Jiu Jitsu Legacy. (n.d.). The 37 Best Jiu Jitsu Quotes: Famous, Inspirational & Funny. Retrieved from

Problem Statement:

The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) community, while deeply rooted in honor, discipline, and the pursuit of self-improvement, faces a set of challenges that undermine the core principles of fairness, recognition, and integrity. The primary issue arises from the subjective nature of skill and rank assessments, which lacks a standardized, objective framework. As Carlos Gracie, one of the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, insightfully noted, "The biggest lesson I learned from jiu-jitsu was how to truly know myself"【13】. This self-awareness is crucial but is often clouded by the subjective evaluations of one's skill and rank.

Further complications emerge with dishonest rank claims, where individuals claim a rank they have not earned. This misrepresentation not only disrespects the diligence and effort of genuine practitioners but also undermines the trust and honor that binds the BJJ community. Helio Gracie, a stalwart of BJJ, emphasized the essence of protection over aggression by stating, “A real jiu-jitsu fighter does not go around beating people down. Our defense is made to neutralize aggression”【19】. Dishonest rank claims contradict this essence, as they foster a culture of deceit and false representation.

Moreover, the practice of "sandbagging," where individuals with higher skill levels or expertise from similar grappling arts dishonestly enter competitions under a lower rank, poses significant safety risks and undermines the spirit of fair competition. This malpractice can lead to severe injuries and discourage newcomers from participating in competitions, thus stifling the growth and vibrancy of the BJJ community.

Furthermore, the absence of a unified platform for verifying ranks, skills, and contributions leads to a lack of transparency and accountability. This opacity hinders the fair recognition of practitioners’ skills and contributions to the community, thereby creating a disconnect between effort, achievement, and recognition.

Shinjitsu, drawing inspiration from the ethos of truth and reality, aims to address these challenges by introducing a web3-based platform that endeavors to objectify the subjectivity inherent in the BJJ community. By leveraging blockchain technology, Shinjitsu aspires to create a transparent, verifiable, and immutable framework for assessing and verifying practitioners’ ranks, skills, and contributions, thereby fostering a culture of honesty, respect, and fair recognition within the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community.

[13] BJJ World. (n.d.). 50 Famous Jiu-Jitsu and BJJ Quotes. Retrieved from

[19] Elite Sports. (n.d.). Helio Gracie - The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grand Master. Retrieved from

Objectives of Shinjitsu:

Shinjitsu, rooted in the Japanese ethos of truth and reality, seeks to usher the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) community into a new era of transparency, fairness, and objectivity. The objectives of Shinjitsu are multifold, addressing the core issues that currently plague the BJJ community while also introducing innovative solutions to enhance the overall competition experience. The primary objectives are outlined as follows:

  1. Standardization of Skill and Rank Assessments:

    • Establish a standardized, objective framework for evaluating and verifying practitioners' skill levels and belt ranks, reducing the subjectivity that often clouds the true representation of a practitioner’s abilities.
  2. Prevention of Dishonest Rank Claims:

    • Develop a verifiable system to authenticate practitioners' ranks and credentials, thereby discouraging dishonest rank claims and upholding the integrity and honor intrinsic to the BJJ community.
  3. Addressing the Issue of Sandbagging:

    • Implement mechanisms to identify and prevent sandbagging in competitions, ensuring that individuals compete in brackets commensurate with their actual skill levels, and promoting fair competition.
  4. Enhanced Competition Bracketing:

    • Provide a solution for competition circuits to effortlessly identify and quantify the measurable capabilities of competitors during sign-ups and sign-ins for tournaments. This aims to balance competition brackets and ensure that competitors are placed in appropriate categories, thereby fostering a fair and competitive environment.
  5. Track Record of Disqualifications:

    • Introduce a feature to display a competitor’s history of disqualifications from other competition circuits, enabling organizers and competitors to be aware of individuals who might pose a danger to others due to previous unfair practices or unsafe behaviors.
  6. Community-Driven Growth and Recognition:

    • Foster a culture of community-driven growth and recognition by enabling practitioners to receive fair acknowledgment for their contributions to the BJJ community, whether through teaching, competition, or community service.
  7. Transparent, Immutable Record Keeping:

    • Leverage blockchain technology to create a transparent, immutable ledger of practitioners' ranks, skills, competition histories, and contributions, ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of information.
  8. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Offer a user-friendly interface that allows easy integration and utilization by individuals, gyms, and competition circuits, promoting widespread adoption and ease of access.
  9. Enhancing Safety and Trust in Competitions:

    • By providing a comprehensive view of a competitor’s history and credentials, Shinjitsu aims to enhance safety measures and foster trust among competitors, organizers, and the broader BJJ community.
  10. Proficiency Verification for Incoming Students:

    • Facilitate a robust and respectful mechanism for verifying the proficiency of new students with prior training experience. Shinjitsu aims to provide a platform where professors can swiftly check the validity of a new student's rank by reviewing who awarded the rank and the ranker's rating as a professor. This feature allows for an informed decision on whether a proficiency test is necessary before integrating the new student into regular training sessions. In cases where a discrepancy in skill level is identified, professors can use Shinjitsu to explain the rationale behind their decision to adjust the student's rank, ensuring the decision is understood as a measure to uphold the high standards of the dojo and not as an offense to the student. Through this objective, Shinjitsu seeks to maintain the integrity of rank representations, ensure safety and appropriate skill matching within training groups, and foster a culture of understanding and respect between professors and students concerning rank evaluations and adjustments.

Through these objectives, Shinjitsu strives to resolve the existing challenges faced by the BJJ community while also extending the scope of what a harmonized, objective, and transparent ecosystem can achieve. By realigning the digital infrastructure with the core values of BJJ, Shinjitsu envisages a future where the BJJ community thrives on a culture of honesty, respect, fair recognition, and competitive excellence.

Market Analysis:

Overview of the Target Market

The market for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) related applications and platforms is intertwined with the broader martial arts industry, particularly the segment dedicated to BJJ. The following are some insights into the target market for Shinjitsu:

  1. Industry Growth:

    • The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Studios industry in the US has shown a promising growth trend. Between 2016 and 2021, there were notable industry trends, and the outlook from 2021 to 2026 also seems favorable【35†source】. As of 2023, the market size of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Studios in the US is estimated to be $2.2 billion, marking an increase of 2.92% from 2022【37†source】.
  2. Martial Arts Market Revenue:

    • The martial arts studio market in the United States was valued at $8.16 billion in 2020, with projections indicating growth to $9.05 billion in 2022. Within this market, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is recognized as the third highest earning discipline in the U.S., averaging $139,193 in annual revenue【38†source】.
  3. Digital Platforms:

    • The digital landscape for BJJ practitioners is expanding, with various apps available on major platforms like Google Play and Apple App Store. These apps cater to different needs such as improving jiu-jitsu skills, logging training sessions, and timing or scoring rounds. As of 2023, there are at least 12 notable BJJ apps indicating a growing digital ecosystem around BJJ【36†source】.
  4. Community Engagement:

    • The BJJ community is known for its engagement both on and off the mat. The market extends beyond just the practitioners to include a wider audience interested in martial arts, fitness, self-defense, and competitive sports.
  5. Competitive Landscape:

    • The competitive landscape includes traditional BJJ studios, online training platforms, martial arts equipment suppliers, and digital applications that facilitate training, learning, and competition in BJJ.
  6. Potential Partnerships:

    • There's potential for partnerships with existing BJJ studios, martial arts organizations, and digital platforms catering to the martial arts community. These partnerships could enhance the market reach and functionality of Shinjitsu.

The target market for Shinjitsu encompasses a diverse set of individuals and entities including BJJ practitioners, instructors, martial arts studios, competition organizers, and digital platforms catering to the martial arts community. The growing interest in BJJ, the expanding digital ecosystem surrounding martial arts, and the substantial revenue generation within the martial arts industry present a fertile ground for the introduction and growth of Shinjitsu. The platform could fill a significant gap by providing a unified, verifiable, and objective system for skill and rank assessment, competition organization, and community engagement within the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community.

[35] IBISWorld. (2021). Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Studios Industry in the US - Market Research Report. Retrieved from

[36] App Annie. (2023). Martial Arts & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Apps - An Overview. Retrieved from

[37] Statista. (2023). Market size of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Studios in the US. Retrieved from

[38] Zen Planner. (2020). Martial Arts Industry Statistics: 2020 Martial Arts Studio Benchmark Report. Retrieved from

Competitor Analysis:

The Competitive Analysis section focuses on examining the landscape of applications and platforms available in the market that are parallel in purpose or functionality to Shinjitsu. The direct competitor identified is BeltChecker, while other related apps such as Marune, BJJBuddy, Combat Academy, and BJJ Link also operate within the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) community, offering different solutions. Here is an analysis based on the gathered data:


BeltChecker serves as a community-based platform for verifying and disputing BJJ practitioners' belt ranks and instructors. The platform offers a database of practitioners and operates as a social media platform where members can manage their academy members, verify, or dispute belt ranks and instructors【50†(BJJ Beltchecker)】. It's available as a web app, installable on Android and iPhone, providing an online database of community-validated BJJ practitioners【51†(BJJ Beltchecker app)】【52†(AppBrain)】. The platform also features a point system where each degree on a black belt adds an additional 25 points to their voting weight, aiding in the community validation process【54†(Jiu-Jitsu Times)】. BeltChecker is seen as a democratic platform challenging the IBJJF's (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation) traditional system, hinting at a revolutionary change within the BJJ community【58†(BJJEE)】.

Limitations of BeltChecker:

  • BeltChecker's core limitation is its inability to allow claims or attestations about BJJ practitioners who haven't set up a profile on the platform, limiting its verification scope to only those who actively participate on the platform.

Other Notable Applications

  1. Marune: This app is used for tracking progress in BJJ, logging training, seminars, camps, competitions, and belt promotions. It provides a detailed training log allowing users to record various details of their training sessions【62†(BJJ Success)】.

  2. BJJBuddy: Similar to Marune, it allows logging training and has social features like a public feed showing other app users’ training notes, and a leaderboard of those training and rolling the most【62†(BJJ Success)】.

  3. Combat Academy: A training log app for various combat sports including BJJ. It offers features like logging training sessions, uploading videos, and images of techniques, and noting the number of submissions, takedowns, escapes, and reversals attempted and executed【62†(BJJ Success)】.

  4. BJJ Link: This app functions as a social network for BJJ practitioners, allowing them to share their training experiences, check into gyms, and connect with other practitioners based on location【62†(BJJ Success)】.

Comparative Analysis

  • Verification and Validation: Unlike BeltChecker, Shinjitsu aims to objectify the subjective nature of rank and skill level in BJJ by incorporating a measurable verification system that does not solely rely on community validation.

  • Comprehensive Data: Shinjitsu plans to provide a more comprehensive platform that not only validates rank but also quantifies the skill, experience, and contributions of practitioners and instructors, even if they haven't created a profile on Shinjitsu.

  • Safety Measures: By identifying practitioners who have been disqualified from other competition circuits, Shinjitsu ensures a safer competitive environment, a feature not highlighted in other platforms.

  • Integration with Competitions: Shinjitsu's objective to aid competition circuits in identifying and quantifying the capabilities of competitors to balance brackets is unique and not offered by BeltChecker or other identified apps.

  • New Student Intake: The goal to provide a measurable and safe way for academies to intake new students based on a standardized and validated skill level is a unique proposition of Shinjitsu, distinguishing it from competitors.


Shinjitsu seeks to address the shortcomings and limitations observed in existing platforms like BeltChecker by offering a more robust, comprehensive, and safety-oriented solution to the BJJ community. The competitive advantage of Shinjitsu lies in its innovative approach to validating, quantifying, and ensuring the safety and integrity of the BJJ community's rank and skill levels.


  1. BJJ Beltchecker【50†source】

  2. BJJ Beltchecker app【51†source】

  3. AppBrain - BJJ Beltchecker【52†source】

  4. Jiu-Jitsu Times - Belt Checker’s point system【54†source】

  5. BJJEE - The Democratic Beltchecker Challenges The IBJJF's Jiu-Jitsu Monarchy【58†source】

  6. BJJ Success - The 12 Best BJJ Apps for 2023【62†source】

User Persona Analysis:

The user persona analysis delves into understanding the target audience for Shinjitsu by creating fictional characters that represent different user segments within the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) community. These personas help to better design, develop, and market Shinjitsu to meet the needs and expectations of its potential users. Below are four user personas representing a variety of stakeholders in the BJJ community:

1. The Dedicated Practitioner:

  • Name: Rodrigo Silva

  • Age: 28

  • Occupation: Software Developer

  • BJJ Rank: Purple Belt

  • Goals:

    • Track his BJJ progress over time.

    • Verify his rank and skills through a reputable platform.

  • Pain Points:

    • Lack of a centralized platform to validate his rank and skills.

    • Wants to avoid "Sandbaggers" in competitions.

  • How Shinjitsu Helps:

    • Provides a platform to validate his rank and track his progression.

    • Helps ensure fair competition by identifying and preventing sandbagging.

2. The Experienced Instructor:

  • Name: Laura Mendez

  • Age: 34

  • Occupation: BJJ Instructor

  • BJJ Rank: Black Belt

  • Goals:

    • Maintain the integrity and high standards of her dojo.

    • Assess the proficiency of new students in a standardized manner.

  • Pain Points:

    • Difficulty in verifying the rank and skill level of incoming students with previous training.

    • Lack of objective measures to evaluate and promote students.

  • How Shinjitsu Helps:

    • Facilitates the verification of ranks and skills of incoming students.

    • Provides a standardized measure for skill evaluation and promotion.

3. The Competition Organizer:

  • Name: Ahmed Khan

  • Age: 40

  • Occupation: BJJ Competition Organizer

  • Goals:

    • Organize fair and well-balanced competitions.

    • Ensure the safety and satisfaction of competitors.

  • Pain Points:

    • Difficulty in verifying the skill level and rank of competitors.

    • Challenges with sandbagging and unverified competitors.

  • How Shinjitsu Helps:

    • Provides a platform for verifying and quantifying the skill levels of competitors.

    • Helps to identify and prevent sandbagging, ensuring a fair competitive environment.

4. The Concerned Parent:

  • Name: Emily Johnson

  • Age: 45

  • Occupation: Nurse

  • Goals:

    • Ensure her child learns BJJ in a safe, respectful, and professional environment.

    • Verify the credentials and skill level of instructors.

  • Pain Points:

    • Concerns about the legitimacy and skill level of instructors.

    • Lack of transparency in rank and skill validation.

  • How Shinjitsu Helps:

    • Provides a platform to verify the credentials and skill levels of instructors.

    • Helps to ensure a safe and professional training environment for her child.

These personas reflect a range of needs and challenges within the BJJ community that Shinjitsu aims to address. By understanding the goals, pain points, and how Shinjitsu can provide solutions, the development and marketing strategies can be tailored to meet the specific needs of these user segments, ensuring a meaningful and valuable experience for all stakeholders within the BJJ community.

Technical Architecture

The Technical Architecture section delves into the Web3 Technology Stack that underpins Shinjitsu, elucidating how it leverages Intuition’s innovative platform to ensure verifiable and trustworthy data.

Web3 Technology Stack:

1. Blockchain Infrastructure:

  • Platform: Shinjitsu is being developed within Intuition's Alpha Cohort, utilizing the cutting-edge blockchain technology provided by Intuition.

  • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts form the core of Shinjitsu, enabling the creation, verification, and attestation of claims regarding BJJ practitioners' ranks and skills.

2. Identity and Verification:

  • Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs): Shinjitsu leverages DIDs to create unique, verifiable identifiers for individuals, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of data.

  • Verifiable Claims and Attestations: Through a user-friendly API, Shinjitsu facilitates the creation of verifiable claims and attestations, such as a practitioner earning a specific BJJ belt. These claims are constructed as triples, combining a subject, predicate, and an object (e.g., [Practitioner's Name] + [Earned] + [BJJ Purple Belt]).

  • Claim Verification: Once a claim is made, other users can attest to its truthfulness. Upon reaching a predefined threshold of attestations, Newcoin Watts are generated and awarded to the original claimant.

3. Data Storage and Retrieval:

  • Unified, Decentralized Registry: All data is stored in a decentralized registry, ensuring its permanence and accessibility. Advanced querying capabilities allow for efficient search and retrieval of data across apps and filters by trusted sources.

4. Cross-Application Identity & Reputation:

  • Identity Portability: Users can port their identity and reputation across various applications, promoting a unified and convenient user experience.

5. Token Economy (Newcoin Watts):

  • Incentive Mechanism: The generation of Newcoin Watts as an incentive for truthful attestations fosters a robust verification ecosystem. This token economy encourages community participation in verifying claims and curating reliable, identity-based data.

6. Integration and API:

  • API: The developer-friendly API ensures seamless integration of claims and querying within existing applications, promoting easy integration and extending Shinjitsu's capabilities to other platforms.

7. User Interface (UI):

  • Web and Mobile Applications: User-friendly web and mobile applications provide an intuitive interface for users to interact with Shinjitsu, creating and verifying claims, and accessing the decentralized registry.

8. Security and Privacy:

  • Data Encryption: All data on Shinjitsu is encrypted, ensuring the privacy and security of user information. The decentralized nature of the platform further enhances data security.

9. Community and Governance:

  • Community Governance: The governance of Shinjitsu is community-driven, with mechanisms in place for users to propose and vote on changes to the platform.


Shinjitsu's technical architecture is meticulously designed to harness the power of Web3 technologies, ensuring a secure, verifiable, and community-driven platform for the BJJ community. The collaboration with Intuition's Alpha Cohort and the integration of Newcoin Watts as an incentive mechanism further bolster Shinjitsu's potential to revolutionize the way rank and skill are validated and recognized within the BJJ community.

System Architecture: Diagrams and explanations of how the Shinjitsu will work.

The System Architecture for Shinjitsu is structured to ensure seamless interactions among various components, facilitating the core functionalities of rank verification, attestation, and data management in a decentralized environment. This section outlines the architecture with diagrams and explanations based on the utilization of Expo, TypeScript, Ceramic's ComposeDB, Intuition, and NewCoins WATTs.

Diagram 1: High-Level System Architecture

|                    Shinjitsu App                   |
|                                                    |
| +-------------------+    +---------------------+  |
| |   User Interface  |    |   Application Logic  |  |
| +-------------------+    +----------+----------+  |
|                                   |             |
| +-------------------+    +---------v----------+  |
| |    ComposeDB      |    |     Intuition      |  |
| +-------------------+    +----------+----------+  |
|                                   |             |
| +-------------------+    +---------v----------+  |
| |    NewCoin WATTs  |    |       Backend       |  |
| +-------------------+    +---------------------+  |


  1. User Interface (UI):

    • Built using Expo and TypeScript, the UI serves as the entry point for users to interact with Shinjitsu.
  2. Application Logic:

    • The core logic of Shinjitsu that processes user requests, interacts with the underlying technologies, and ensures the integrity and accuracy of data.
  3. ComposeDB:

    • Utilized for data storage and retrieval, ComposeDB operates as a graph database on top of Ceramic, managing the structured data within Shinjitsu【1†source】.
  4. Intuition:

    • Facilitates the creation, verification, and attestation of claims, forming the backbone of Shinjitsu's verification framework.
  5. NewCoin WATTs:

    • The token economy within Shinjitsu, incentivizing users for truthful attestations and verifications.
  6. Backend:

    • The server-side operations that handle data processing, verification, and coordination between different components of Shinjitsu.

Diagram 2: Data Flow Diagram

+--------+           +----------+           +-----------+
|  User  | --(1)-->  |  Shinjitsu  | --(2)--> |  Intuition   |
+--------+           +----------+           +-----------+
                          | (3)                    | (4)
                          v                        v
                  +-----------+           +----------------+
                  | ComposeDB  |           |  Backend Process  |
                  +-----------+           +----------------+

Data Flow:

  1. User Interaction:

    • Users interact with Shinjitsu via the UI, making claims, verifying ranks, or attesting to others' claims.
  2. Claim Creation:

    • Shinjitsu forwards the claims to Intuition for verification and attestation.
  3. Data Storage:

    • All claims, attestations, and user data are stored in ComposeDB.
  4. Backend Processing:

    • The backend processes the claims and attestations, updates the data in ComposeDB, and manages the distribution of NewCoin WATTs.

The described system architecture encapsulates the interactions between Shinjitsu and the underlying technologies, ensuring a robust, decentralized, and user-friendly platform for the BJJ community.


  1. ComposeDB: Using Ceramic as a Graph Database【1†source】

Security Measures: How user data will be protected, and how the system will be secured against potential threats.

The security of Shinjitsu, a web3 application, is of paramount importance to ensure the trust and safety of its users. Here's how user data and the system can be safeguarded against potential threats, in alignment with web3 security best practices and technologies:

  1. Security by Design:

    • Adopting a Security by Design approach is crucial to build a robust infrastructure and secure code that minimizes vulnerabilities against cyber-attacks【85†(AppSealing)】.
  2. Security Audits:

    • Conducting regular security audits by professional and trusted security auditors to identify and fix potential bugs and vulnerabilities is key to maintaining a secure application【85†(AppSealing)】.
  3. User-Controlled Key Management:

    • Ensuring better user-controlled key management is essential as transactions in web3 are dependent on cryptographic keys. Educating users on key management and providing secure, user-friendly key management solutions can help mitigate risks associated with managing private keys【85†(AppSealing)】.
  4. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI):

    • Implementing Self-Sovereign Identity allows users to create and manage their own digital identities, which is a step towards securing user data in a web3 environment【89†(LinkedIn)】.
  5. Zero-Knowledge Encryption:

    • Utilizing zero-knowledge encryption can provide robust access controls to secure user data, as it supports user ownership of data through decentralized identity constructs and self-hosted wallets【90†(VentureBeat)】.
  6. Encryption and Hashing:

    • Employing encryption and hashing technologies like AES or SHA to secure user data and prevent unauthorized access or tampering is essential【91†(LinkedIn)】.
  7. Authentication:

    • Utilizing web3 wallets for authenticating users is crucial to keep private key pairs safe and secure, which in turn contributes to the security of the blockchain ecosystem【92†(Moralis)】.
  8. Education and Awareness:

    • Educating users on the unique privacy and security considerations of web3 applications can play a significant role in ensuring user and data security【93†(OptimusFox)】.
  9. Data Storage:

    • Leveraging decentralized storage solutions to ensure data privacy and security. Ceramic's ComposeDB, for instance, could be used to create a decentralized graph database which aligns with the decentralized ethos of web3.
  10. Monitoring and Incident Response:

    • Establishing a robust monitoring and incident response strategy to quickly identify and mitigate security incidents when they occur.
  11. Community Collaboration:

    • Collaborating with the community and industry experts to stay updated on emerging threats and best practices in web3 security【81†(Doubloin)】.

The aforementioned strategies, when employed collectively and diligently, can significantly enhance the security posture of Shinjitsu, safeguarding both user data and the system against potential threats.

  1. AppSealing. "Web3 Security Best Practices." AppSealing【85†source】.

  2. LinkedIn. "Web3: The New Web Where You Own Your Data." LinkedIn【89†source】.

  3. VentureBeat. "Web3 is the future of the web — and it’s closer than you think." VentureBeat【90†source】.

  4. LinkedIn. "Digital Identity on Blockchain: How it works." LinkedIn【91†source】.

  5. Moralis. "Web3 Authentication - The Future of User Sign-ins." Moralis【92†source】.

  6. OptimusFox. "Privacy And Security In Web3 Applications: Safeguarding Data And User." OptimusFox【93†source】.

  7. Doubloin. "Web3 Security - Best Practices." Doubloin【81†source】.


Based on the distinctive nature of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) community and the importance of prominent figures within it, it's essential to devise a tokenomics model that accurately reflects the value and impact of claims and attestations within the Shinjitsu platform. Utilizing NewCoin and NewCoin's WATTs as the underlying mechanism for value representation and incentive structure, a comprehensive formula can be developed to weigh claims and attestations accordingly.

Token Description:

NewCoin and NewCoin's WATTs will serve as the core tokens within the Shinjitsu platform.

  • NewCoin will be used as the primary token for measuring the value of claims and attestations.

  • WATTs (Web3 Attestation Tokens) are generated when claims cross a certain threshold of attestations, representing the collective agreement and recognition within the community.

Token Utility:

Tokens within Shinjitsu have two primary utilities:

  1. Value Representation: Tokens represent the value of claims and attestations within the platform, which in turn reflect the skill level, experience, and community recognition of BJJ practitioners.

  2. Incentivization: Tokens act as an incentive for users to make truthful claims and attestations, and for the community to engage in verifying the claims.

Token Distribution:

The distribution of tokens will be based on a dynamic model that factors in the prominence of the attester, the number of attestations, and the collective agreement on claims.

Formula for Weighing Claims and Attestations:

The weight of claims and attestations can be determined by a multi-factor formula that considers the following:

  1. Prominence Factor (PF):

    • This factor reflects the prominence of the individual making the claim or attestation within the BJJ community. Prominent figures will have a higher PF compared to less known individuals.
  2. Verification Factor (VF):

    • This factor is determined by the number of attestations a claim receives. More attestations indicate a higher level of community verification.
  3. Agreement Factor (AF):

    • This factor reflects the level of agreement within the community on a particular claim or attestation.

The formula for determining the weight of a claim or attestation can be expressed as:

Weight = PF • VF • AF

Threshold for Generating WATTs:

The threshold for generating WATTs can be determined based on a combination of the total weight of claims and attestations, and the level of community agreement. A higher threshold may be set for more significant claims or attestations, requiring a higher level of community agreement and verification.

Threshold*= ƒ(Total Weight, Community Agreement)*

Once a claim crosses the specified threshold, WATTs are generated and distributed to the individual making the claim, and possibly to those who attested to the claim, as a reward for their contribution to the verification process.

This formula and threshold mechanism ensures that the Shinjitsu platform maintains a high level of integrity and accuracy in representing the skill levels and contributions of individuals within the BJJ community. By tying the generation of WATTs to community verification and agreement, Shinjitsu can create a reliable and incentivized ecosystem for the BJJ community to engage and thrive.


The developmental journey of Shinjitsu is structured in distinct phases, each contributing to the evolution of the application into a fully functional, community-driven platform for the BJJ community. Here's a detailed roadmap outlining the key milestones and estimated timelines:

Development Phase:

  1. Alpha Round (Current Phase):

    • Milestone: Development and testing of the core functionality within the Expo Mobile application with a focus on integrating Intuition's technology.

    • Timeline: Ongoing until Intuition progresses beyond Alpha.

    • Note: Development timelines in this phase are contingent on the progress of Intuition's technology, which is currently in its Alpha Round.

  2. Alpha Testing:

    • Milestone: Release of the Expo Mobile application to a closed group of Crypto Native BJJ Community members (~50 individuals) for initial testing and feedback.

    • Timeline: Immediately following the completion of the Alpha Round.

Transition to Beta:

  1. Feedback and Iteration:

    • Milestone: Collection and analysis of user feedback from the Alpha Testing, followed by necessary iterations and improvements.

    • Timeline: 1-2 months post Alpha Testing.

  2. Beta Development:

    • Milestone: Enhancement of application features, UI/UX improvements, and preparation for a broader user base.

    • Timeline: 2-4 months post Alpha Testing.

  3. Beta Testing:

    • Milestone: Release of the Beta version to a wider audience within the BJJ community for further testing and feedback.

    • Timeline: 4-6 months post Alpha Testing.

Public Launch and Beyond:

  1. Pre-Launch Preparations:

    • Milestone: Finalizing features, security audits, and marketing campaigns to build anticipation.

    • Timeline: 6-8 months post Alpha Testing.

  2. Public Launch:

    • Milestone: Official launch of Shinjitsu to the public.

    • Timeline: 8-10 months post Alpha Testing.

  3. Post-Launch Enhancements and Community Building:

    • Milestone: Continuous improvements, feature additions, and active community engagement to foster a thriving ecosystem around Shinjitsu.

    • Timeline: Ongoing post-launch.

  4. Long-Term Development:

    • Milestone: Exploring additional functionalities, partnerships, and integration with other platforms.

    • Timeline: Ongoing post-launch.

The progression from Alpha to Beta and eventually to a Public Launch is structured to ensure a systematic and feedback-driven development process. The transition out of Alpha is particularly crucial and is contingent on the advancements of Intuition's technology. The subsequent phases are designed to progressively refine Shinjitsu, expand its user base, and build a robust, engaged community around it.

Community Engagement:

Community Involvement:

Shinjitsu is rooted in the principle of community-driven development and growth, acknowledging the invaluable insights and contributions that can come from its user base, especially those with expertise in both the BJJ and web3 domains. Here's how the community will be intricately involved in the evolution of Shinjitsu:

  1. Alpha Phase Contributions:

    • The initial community of crypto-native BJJ practitioners, many of whom are web3 engineers or are actively engaged in the web3 space, will have the opportunity to contribute directly to Shinjitsu's development. They can provide code contributions, bug fixes, and feature enhancements through the application's GitHub repository during the closed Alpha Phase. Their technical expertise will be instrumental in refining the application's core functionality and ensuring its alignment with web3 principles.
  2. Valued Feedback:

    • Community members will be encouraged to provide feedback on the application’s features, user interface, and overall experience. This feedback will be crucial in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that Shinjitsu resonates well with its intended user base.
  3. Community Testing:

    • Engaging the community in testing phases will provide real-world insights into the application’s performance and usability. The community’s active participation in Alpha and Beta testing phases will be crucial for refining Shinjitsu and preparing it for a broader audience.
  4. Community-Driven Feature Development:

    • As Shinjitsu evolves, the community will play a significant role in proposing and voting on new features and enhancements. This democratic approach to feature development ensures that Shinjitsu remains responsive to the needs and preferences of its user base.
  5. Education and Awareness:

    • Community members with a strong understanding of both BJJ and web3 technologies can contribute to educational resources, tutorials, and discussions that help broaden the understanding and adoption of Shinjitsu within the wider BJJ community.
  6. Community Building and Outreach:

    • Community members will be instrumental in growing the Shinjitsu community through outreach, social media engagement, and partnerships within the BJJ and web3 communities. Their advocacy and engagement will help build a thriving ecosystem around Shinjitsu.
  7. Reward and Recognition:

    • Recognizing and rewarding active community contributors through a system of incentives, acknowledgments, and possibly token rewards, will foster a culture of collaboration and continuous contribution towards the growth and success of Shinjitsu.

Through these avenues of community engagement, Shinjitsu aims to foster a collaborative, open, and inclusive environment where the synergy between BJJ expertise and web3 technical knowledge propels the platform towards fulfilling its mission in objectifying the subjective within Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Ensuring legal compliance is paramount for the sustainable and responsible development of Shinjitsu, especially given its integration of web3 technologies and cryptocurrency mechanisms. Key areas of legal compliance include:

  1. Data Protection and Privacy:

    • Abiding by local and international data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU, and other relevant privacy legislations in the regions Shinjitsu operates. Ensuring that user data is handled securely and transparently, with clear consent mechanisms and privacy policies in place.
  2. Cryptocurrency Regulations:

    • Complying with the regulatory frameworks governing the use, distribution, and exchange of cryptocurrencies and tokens in various jurisdictions. This may include adherence to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.
  3. Intellectual Property:

    • Protecting the intellectual property rights associated with Shinjitsu, while also respecting the rights of others, including any third-party software or technologies integrated into the platform.
  4. Consumer Protection:

    • Adhering to consumer protection laws to ensure that users have a clear understanding of the services provided, the terms of use, and any associated risks.
  5. Liability and Dispute Resolution:

    • Establishing clear terms of service, including liability clauses and dispute resolution mechanisms, to address any legal issues that may arise between Shinjitsu and its users or between users themselves.
  6. Cross-Border Compliance:

    • Ensuring compliance with the legal frameworks of different countries, especially in cases where Shinjitsu’s services cross national boundaries.

Risk Factors:

  1. Regulatory Risk:

    • Changes in cryptocurrency and data protection laws could impact Shinjitsu's operations. It's crucial to stay abreast of legal developments and be prepared to adapt the platform accordingly.
  2. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities:

    • While smart contracts enable transparent and automated transactions, they can also have vulnerabilities that might be exploited if not properly audited and secured.
  3. Data Privacy and Security Risks:

    • The handling of personal data carries inherent risks, especially concerning unauthorized access, data breaches, or misuse.
  4. Market Adoption Risk:

    • The success of Shinjitsu largely depends on market adoption within the BJJ and crypto communities. Failure to achieve significant adoption could impact the project’s viability.
  5. Token Value Fluctuation:

    • The value of tokens within Shinjitsu could fluctuate due to market dynamics, impacting the incentive structure and user engagement.
  6. Reputational Risks:

    • Any negative publicity or community dissatisfaction could adversely affect Shinjitsu's reputation and user base.
  7. Dependency on Third-Party Technologies:

    • Shinjitsu’s dependency on third-party technologies such as Intuition and other web3 technologies could pose risks if these external platforms encounter issues or changes in their operational policies.
  8. Litigation Risk:

    • Legal disputes could arise from various quarters including users, regulatory bodies, or other stakeholders which could have financial and reputational implications.

By thoroughly addressing these legal considerations and risk factors, Shinjitsu aims to create a transparent, secure, and compliant environment for its community while being prepared to navigate potential challenges that may arise.

Based on the information obtained from your GitHub profile, here's a draft for your section in the whitepaper:

Introduction of the Core Team:

Patrick Skinner - Founder and Lead Developer

Patrick Skinner is the visionary and driving force behind Shinjitsu, embodying a deep passion for both the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community and blockchain technology. His venture into Shinjitsu is a testament to his innovative spirit, striving to bridge the gap between the traditional martial arts realm and the cutting-edge Web3 landscape.

Background and Credentials:

Patrick Skinner brings a rich background of service, technical expertise, and community involvement to Shinjitsu. He is a proud veteran, having served as a US Army Paratrooper Medic and Mass Casualty Coordinator. This role not only honed his discipline and resilience but also instilled a profound sense of community and service, traits that continue to shape his endeavors.

On the technical front, Patrick is a seasoned developer with a wide array of programming skills. He's won a hackathon grand prize with his project Guardian and multiple other bounties. Patrick is also a proactive contributor to the broader tech community serving as a DevRel and Content Manager at Developer DAO, a community of Web3 Engineers. Through his GitHub profile, he shares his knowledge and projects, fostering a collaborative environment for other developers. Moreover, he maintains an active Twitter profile where he engages with both the crypto and martial arts communities, sharing insights and fostering meaningful conversations.

Advisory Board:

At the moment, the advisory board is open to interested individuals who resonate with Shinjitsu's vision and wish to contribute to its growth. Patrick is particularly keen on welcoming co-founders and advisors who can bring additional expertise, insights, and resources to the project.

Budget and Funding:

Based on the given project details, existing market rates for similar projects, and the outlined funding strategies for Web3 projects, the following is a comprehensive budget and funding plan for Shinjitsu:

Budget Breakdown:

The budget for developing and launching Shinjitsu can be broken down into several categories. These estimations are based on market averages and may vary based on the actual costs incurred during the project.

  1. Development Costs:

    • Mobile App Development: $100,000 - $500,000【59†source】.

    • Back-end Development (Web3 and Composedb integration): $50,000 - $200,000【59†source】.

    • Security Measures Implementation: $50,000 - $150,000【74†source】.

    • UI/UX Design: $10,000 - $50,000【59†source】.

    • Testing and QA: $10,000 - $50,000【59†source】.

  2. Marketing and Community Engagement:

    • Initial Marketing and PR: $20,000 - $100,000.

    • Community Building and Engagement: $10,000 - $50,000.

  3. Operational Costs:

    • Legal Compliance and Advisory: $20,000 - $100,000【74†source】.

    • Administrative and Overhead: $10,000 - $50,000.

  4. Miscellaneous Costs:

    • Contingency Fund (to cover unexpected expenses): 10% of the total budget.

The total estimated budget ranges from $280,000 to $1,250,000.

Funding Strategy:

Given the decentralized nature of Shinjitsu and its integration with Web3 technologies, leveraging decentralized fundraising mechanisms prevalent in the Web3 ecosystem is advisable. Here are several funding strategies:

  1. Bootstrap Phase:

    • Personal Investment: Investing personal funds to cover initial development and operational costs.

    • Loans or Grants: Applying for grants especially targeted at Web3 projects or loans to cover initial costs【138†source】.

  2. Pre-Seed and Seed Funding:

    • Angel Investment: Engaging with angel investors who have an interest in Web3 projects.

    • Grants from Traditional Entities: Many traditional organizations are offering grants to promising Web3 startups【138†source】.

    • Grants from within the Web3 Industry: Established players in the Web3 industry offer grants to startups, especially those that align with their technology or ecosystem【138†source】.

  3. Crowdfunding and DAOs:

    • Conducting a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds from potential users and the broader community.

    • Engaging with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) that align with Shinjitsu's mission and goals for possible funding.

  4. Token Sales:

    • Initial Token Sale: Conducting a token sale to raise funds by distributing a portion of the tokens to early supporters and investors.

    • Continuous Token Model: Implementing a continuous token model to sustain funding over time.

  5. Strategic Partnerships:

    • Forming partnerships with organizations, other projects, or individuals who can provide funding, resources, or expertise to expedite the project's development and growth.
  6. Revenue Generation:

    • Monetization Strategies: Implementing monetization strategies within the app to generate revenue, which can be reinvested into the project.

    • Competition and Circuit Partners: By partnering with tournament entities, we'll be able to provide verification and authentication services, as well as optimal bracket-balancing automation services to streamline bracket creation and develop well-balanced tournaments.

  7. Investor Rounds:

    • Raising further rounds of investment as the project matures and requires additional funding for scaling. The average seed raise for Web3 projects has risen to $3.3 million in 2021, according to a Forbes article【137†source】.

The funding strategy should be dynamic, adapting to the project's needs, the market conditions, and the response from the community and investors.

  1. Mobile App Development, Back-end Development, Security Measures Implementation, UI/UX Design, Testing and QA costs estimation: Source.

  2. Legal Compliance and Advisory costs estimation: Source.

  3. Bootstrap Phase, Grants from Traditional Entities, Grants from within the Web3 Industry information: Source.

  4. Average seed raise for Web3 projects in 2021: Source.


Shinjitsu, inspired by the philosophical essence of its name (真実, Truth), is envisioned as a beacon of objectivity within the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) community. Through the innovative fusion of Web3 technologies, Intuition's verifiable data standards, and NewCoin's WATTs, Shinjitsu aspires to address the nuanced challenges of rank and skill verification, promotion authenticity, competition fairness, and a safe onboarding process for students with prior training. Its ambition extends beyond merely bridging the trust gap; it endeavors to foster a more cohesive, transparent, and merit-driven ecosystem for the BJJ community.

The roadmap, although tempered by the developmental pace of Intuition's technology, is meticulously crafted to ensure a robust alpha testing phase, a feedback-centric beta version, and a refined public release. Community engagement is not just a cornerstone but the keystone of Shinjitsu’s growth strategy, where every stakeholder has a voice, and every feedback loop is a step towards perfection.

Financial prudence, coupled with a multi-faceted funding strategy, is aimed at ensuring that resource allocation is aligned with the project's long-term vision. The team, although presently a one-man army, is open to collaborations, advisories, and partnerships that align with the core values and objectives of Shinjitsu.

As we embark on this journey to redefine verification standards within the BJJ community, we invite you to become an integral part of this vision. Your support, be it as a community member, a developer, an advisor, or an investor, is not just valued; it's pivotal.

Call to Action:

  1. Engage: Follow Patrick Skinner on Twitter for the latest updates on Shinjitsu's development, join our community discussions, and share your insights and suggestions.

  2. Contribute: If you are a developer or have expertise in Web3 technologies, BJJ, or community building, we welcome your contributions to GitHub.

  3. Invest: Interested investors are invited to explore partnership opportunities to fuel the growth and sustainability of Shinjitsu.

  4. Spread the Word: Help us build a community around Shinjitsu by sharing our vision within your networks, especially if you are part of the BJJ community.

  5. Stay Tuned: Keep an eye on Patrick Skinner's blog for in-depth articles, development logs, and announcements regarding Shinjitsu.

Together, let’s strive towards creating a platform that stands as a testament to the authentic prowess and the indomitable spirit of the BJJ community. Through Shinjitsu, let’s bring the truth to light, one verification at a time.


  1. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu History. Retrieved from Grapplers Graveyard.

  2. BJJ Ranking System. Retrieved from BJJ Heroes.

  3. Quotes from Carlos Machado. Retrieved from Carlos Machado BJJ.

  4. The Jiu Jitsu Belt System: The Mental Attitude of each Belt. Retrieved from Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood.

  5. Retrieved from BeltChecker.

  6. ComposeDB: Using Ceramic as a Graph Database. Retrieved from Ceramic Blog.

  7. Intuition - A peer-to-peer knowledge-sharing ecosystem. Retrieved from Intuition Systems.

  8. Early-Stage Web3 Startup Funding: An Introduction. Retrieved from Chainlink Blog.

  9. How much does it cost to make an app? Retrieved from Cleveroad.

  10. Legal Considerations When Forming a Blockchain Company. Retrieved from Cooley.

  11. Top 5 Security Risks for Web3 Applications and How to Mitigate Them. Retrieved from Consensys.

  12. Patrick Skinner. Retrieved from Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub, and Blog.

These references provide the foundational understanding, historical context, technical frameworks, and financial insights that have been instrumental in crafting this whitepaper. They encompass a diverse range of sources including historical archives, technical documentation, industry blogs, and personal profiles, which collectively contribute to the comprehensive outlook presented in this document.

15. Contact Information:

For further inquiries, discussions, or collaborations regarding Shinjitsu, feel free to reach out through the following channels:

We are open to engaging with individuals, organizations, and communities who share our vision for bringing transparency, verification, and objectivity to the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community. Whether you are a BJJ practitioner, a developer, an investor, or someone intrigued by the potential of Shinjitsu, we welcome your input, questions, and support as we work collectively towards realizing the goals outlined in this whitepaper.